Friday, November 20, 2009

money woahs! I'm negative again! I got paid on Friday, then paid for my car, cell, two credit cards, gym, gas, and I even got groceries! I figured I had at least 100 left in my bank account and that Sunday night I told myself to just put my card by Katbank so I don't try and use it extracurricularily. Next Morning I check online, -28!
Woah. Good thing I pulled cash out when I got groceries for gas next week.
Good news is, that was my last check affected by a furlough for this year. I'm praying as hard as I can that we don't have them for next year. Pleeeeeease employer gods, please!

I went to the gym on Sunday, and did cardio for half an hour and then worked my legs out. To balance out the pain I would be inflicting my unsuspecting lack of leg muscle, I lifted with my biceps and triceps as well the next day in our office gym.
As it stands.... with my arms, I'm comfortable with 8 lbs. Yeah, a whopping 8 pounds. But this is good, hopefully I'll be able to make significant progress by a year from now. This also will help me formulate future goals for 2010.
Yesterday I noticed doing the same eliptical preset program wasn't as difficult as it was on Sunday, and I attribute that to the grueling leg presses Jamie had me do. So soon i should be able to keep a faster pace for more intervals.
I must say...I am enjoying the sudden increase of energy I have. I don't expect any visual improvements any time soon, that'd be niaeve, but I am already feeling like a better person! Yay!
I haven't been to a craft night in two weeks and this is putting a damper on my social life, as I miss my ladies. I see them so rarely!

This week I've been primarily eating granola in yogurt, sandwiches, cranberry juice, and protein bars. Yesterday I messed up and had a toasted cheese on white bread, with potato chips, AND ferero rocher hazelnut ball. Oy. I don't know what I was thinking- but I went to the gym last night no questions asked and burned 300 calories.

In other money related goodness, you have probably heard that the credit market is in for some drastic restrictions(FINALLY), but until then, they are trying to squeeze you for every penny they can until then. It's gangbusters! I read this blog post by who I use for managing my money. It gives me hope but at the same time, I still feel slighted. I hope none of you are being affected by their devious scams.

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